Wednesday 21 February 2018

How To Make Homemade Hairspray.

Are you looking for a natural and wallet-friendly hair spray to keep your ‘do in place? Hairsprays often contain obnoxious fragrances that can trigger allergies. In addition to the holding agent, you’re spewing aerosol propellants around your room and chemicals you may not fully understand. Wouldn’t it be great to use hairspray that is all-natural and you can spritz on with confidence? Then, give this simple, two-ingredient recipe a try

Difficulty: EasyTime Required: 20 minutes or less

What You Need to Make Homemade Hairspray

1 lemon2 cups waterA potStovetop or hot plateA strainerAn empty, clean spray bottle

Here’s How to Make Homemade Hairspray

Slice the lemon into wedges.Place the lemon wedges in a pot, and cover with two cups water.Heat the lemons and water to a boil and keep it boiling until only half of the liquid remains.Allow the boiled lemon water to cool.Strain the lemon water and place in a clean spray bottle.Label the spray bottle with its contents, “Homemade Lemon Hairspray,” the date you prepared it and the date it should be discarded (one week from preparation date).If the finished spray feels sticky to the touch, dilute it with a bit of water.You can store your hair spray in the refrigerator for up to one week.To extend the shelf life of your homemade hairspray, add a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol to the spray bottle when you fill it with the strained lemon water. With this addition, the hair spray can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks

If the hairspray becomes cloudy, shows mold growth or smells musty, discard it.

Tips and Modifications for Homemade Hairspray

If you have dry hair, try an orange instead of a lemon.You can customize the scent of your hair spray by adding a couple drops of your favorite essential oil.

Advantages of Homemade Hairspray

You know the ingredients. You won’t be exposing yourself and your hair to chemicals you don’t understand, unnecessary aerosol propellants

You won’t be disposing of aerosol cans, you will be reusing a spray bottle.It’s very cheap, especially if you grown your own lemons or other citrus.You won’t be exposing yourself and others to artificial, cheap scents and perfumes. These can trigger allergies in you, people around you, and your pets.

Disadvantages of Homemade Hairspray

This formula will probably work differently on your hair that what you’ve become used to with your current hairspray. You’ll probably need to experiment with it to get the hairstyle you prefer. You may want to use some hair gel or other product in addition to the homemade hairspray to get the same effects.You’ll have to make new hairspray each week to two weeks. This is probably more often than you need to restock cans of hairspray, and it takes some time and effort.

How To Make Spray Starch

Spray starch is a traditional aid for ironing. With spray starch, you can enjoy crisp collars and pleats. Quilters find it is one of their best tricks for piecing different fabrics and weaves, making and applying appliques. For many sewing projects, a bit of spray starch can make the job easier. Besides, starching clothes makes them last longer because dirt and perspiration stick to the starch and not to the fabric.

Here’s how to make your own spray starch with items you already have in your pantry and save substantially.

What You’ll Need

Four everyday items are all you need to make spray starch you feel comfortable using—1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch, more or less depending on the stiffness desired, 2 cups cold water, optional 1 to 2 drops essential oil for fragrance, and 1 clean spray bottle.


Combine the cornstarch and water in a bowl and stir until the cornstarch is completely dissolved. (The mixture will be milky in color.) Add 1 to 2 drops of essential oil for fragrance if desired and mix well. Transfer the mixture to a clean spray bottle and use.

Label the bottle “Spray Starch” and you might want to add, “Shake well before each use” to remind you of that important step.

Your homemade spray starch should last for a couple of months but it can eventually degrade. Toss it if you see any mold or if the solution becomes discolored.

Preparation Alternative

Some people prefer to heat the water to dissolve the cornstarch first. Do this by heating 2 cups water in a pan on the stove until boiling. Add the 1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch, boil for 1 minute to dissolve. Cool the starch mixture before transferring it to the spray bottle.

Tips For Using Homemade Spray Starch

For best results, shake before each use. The starch will settle, and it needs to be remixed with each use.A little goes a long way, so use sparingly.If you get starch build-up on your iron, wet a cloth with white vinegarand iron it. This will refresh your iron.

Why Making Your Own Spray Starch Is a Good Idea

You can buy spray starch in aerosol cans. These, of course, contain propellants that are often flammable alcohols. They also contain other additives that keep the starch in solution and keep it from degrading. This may include formaldehyde and other chemicals you are probably better off avoiding. Often a fragrance is added, which can be an allergy trigger. If you get a headache or sniffles when using scented products, this could be a culprit.

Eco-friendly brands come in spray bottles and are made with cornstarch, as is done here. However, you don’t have control over the scent and you can make your own for pennies. By using this recipe, you have full control of the amount of starch and whether you include a scent or not. You also won’t be disposing of the cans or bottles

How to make powdered Onion.

Are you tired of forking over big bucks for a little jar of onion powder? Then you'll definitely want to learn how to make it at home. It's extremely simple and you can save a lot of money while keeping this staple in your spice rack.


There is no great secret to onion powder and all you need is a few fresh onions. It's the perfect way to use up onions that are just starting to get past their prime as well.

In an hour or so, you can have enough onion powder to last for quite a long time and it can also be used to make onion salt

One or two onions are often enough for the average family's use for a few months or more. You can always add more onions and make a larger batch if you like. If you find you have too much, give jars away to family and friends.


Begin by peeling your onions and chopping them finely. Spread the onion pieces out on a tray and heat in a 150 F oven or in a food dehydrator until dry. The onions are done when you can easily crumble the chopped pieces in your hand.

Allow the dried onions to cool before grinding into powder. Grind them up with a coffee grinder, spice mill, food processor, or mortar and pestle until it reaches your desired consistency. 

Storage and Shelf Life

Store your finished onion powder in an air-tight container in a cool, dry spot. You can also freeze any excess.

As with any dried spice or herb, it's best to shake the container at least once a day for the first week. This will distribute any leftover moisture evenly and prevent mold from growing.

Be sure to label the jar so you don't mistake it for other spices like garlic powder. An inexpensive option is a piece of masking or painter's tape on a recycled spice jar.

These tapes won't leave a sticky residue and are easy to remove, but they will adhere well until you wash the jar again.

Onion powder has a surprisingly long shelf life. A commercially dried powder can last as long as three or four years. However, your homemade version may not meet such exacting standards. Depending on how well it's dried, expect your onion powder to stay flavorful for up to a year in a well-sealed container. Since this is so easy and cheap to make, you might even consider making a batch as often as twice a year.

About Coffee Grinders

Coffee grinders make quick work when it's time to grind any spice. You'll get the finest onion powder from one and can always grind less if you prefer it a little more coarse.

It is best to designate separate grinders for your spices and your coffee. Things like onions and garlicare very pungent and the smell can be very difficult to remove from the grinder. Unless you enjoy onion-flavored coffee, this is not the ideal situation.

The good news is that coffee grinders tend to be pretty inexpensive. You can pick up a simple one just for your spices and keep your good one with all the bells and whistles for coffee.

Wednesday 24 January 2018


Germicide serves as an important cleansing substance that helps to destroy bacteria and germs which causes infection and illness to man and even animals. Germicide such as Izal is a very important disinfectant product in our homes, hospitals, Eateries, schools, Restaurants and hotels; use for cleaning of floor, toilet, bathroom, kitchen counter or slabs and tiles. Izal is very easy to make and doesn't cost much; it doesn't consume much time neither does it consume energy. Once you put down your head to learn and know it perfectly,you can generate a reasonable income from it especially in an area where there is lack of job opportunities you can stand out as an employer creating jobs for others to benefit from and you can start your own medium enterprise by learning how to make germicides like Izal and dettol. For this business to be legal and official, you can register with NAFDAC or your country's Food And Drug Agency and also upgrade your medium business by branding your bottles or containers with your business name or logo.

Chemicals Needed For The Production of Izal

The chemicals for making dettol, Izal or any disinfectant can be gotten from any Chemical stores across the country. They are cheap and can be used for making your desired dettol or Izal or any disinfectant.

*Texapol 1 cup
*Phenol 1 cup
*Lysol 1 cup
*Pine oil 1/2
*Izal Concentrate 1 cup
* white binder 1 cup
*Carbolic acid 1cup
*Izal Booster 1 cup
* Water should be 3 litres

Note: your measurement should be dependent on the quantity of Izal you want to make for instance,the measurement above is just for 5 litres of Izal however,you can increase the measurement if you want a larger quantity of Izal. 

Production process for making Izal disinfectant 

 Step 1. Dissolve texapol with Phenol in a bowlStep
2. Add pine oil and stir it properlyStep
3. add Lysol and stir alsoStep
4. add the Booster and keep stirringStep 5. add 2 liters of water to itstep
6. dilute the carbolic acid and the white binder with a little water and add it to the other content and stir.Step
7. add the concentrate and stir very wellStep
8. Finally pour the remaining water into the mixture and stir properly.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Top Tips that distinguish you from other applicants.

Remember to include information that makes you stand out from the crowd.
Don't assume we know anything about you.
Give specific examples of the projects, activities and people with which you've been involved to back up what you tell us.
Make sure you read the information carefully. The advert, job description and competencies will give you clear ideas as to the type of information we are looking for.
Take time to make sure you understand each question before you write your answer. Think about the best example you have that answers the question and demonstrates your abilities.
Think about how your skills and experience relate to the job. Don’t worry if you haven’t got specific broadcast or technical skills, think about how you can demonstrate the same skills in different situations, which might be study or leisure activities.
Don’t forget it is you we are interested in - say what your role was and what you did when answering the questions.
Think through your examples. Is there a clear structure? Think about what you did and how it contributed to the situation or the outcome.
Give a full answer to each question, as this is our only way of finding out about what skills you have to offer.
Save your application as you go along in case you lose your internet connection.
Once you submit your application, you will not be able to make any changes.
Complete all additional application questions and click confirm to submit your application. If you do not confirm then the application will not be submitted for shortlisting.

How to complete your application
On the application form there is space for you to show that you have the knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities needed for the job. These are referred to as competencies. It is important to read what we’re looking for in each competency carefully.

What is a competency?
A set of actions that someone must be capable of carrying out in order to perform well in a particular aspect of a job. Critical competencies for the role you’re applying for will be detailed alongside the job description and person specification.

How do you show these competencies?
By quoting examples of when, why and how you demonstrated the skills, knowledge and other qualities in the past, you show that you have the potential to apply them in a new job in the future.

How do I write a competency statement?
Describe a carefully selected example from your previous experience, which gives you plenty of opportunity to demonstrate the required activities making up the competency.

The STAR technique provides useful guidance on structuring competency statements. The STAR acronym can help you think clearly about identifying a situation, task, action and result:
Situation - how, when, where, with whom? (Set the scene and context for your action)
Task - what was the situation or task were you faced with? (Explain what your responsibilities and objectives were and where relevant what resources you used)
Action - what action did you take? (Describe what you did, thought, felt and why. Focus on your specific involvement in the situation and how you went about achieving what you set out to do)
Result - what results did you achieve/conclusions did you reach? (Describe the outcome(s) of your actions and the impact of your actions on others and on the situation)
The situation and task are usually combined and form the introduction, the action you took should form the main body of your answer and the result should be your conclusion.
Wherever possible your examples should be based on previous work experience, however if you feel it is appropriate you may give examples based on your home life, social life, experiences in education, voluntary work or other areas of your life.
We will be looking for your evidence to be clear, comprehensive and to display positive behaviours.
We hope you have found these notes helpful.

List of businesses you can do from the comfort of your home.

Happy days are here again – or so you might assume from a recent wave of optimistic reports about the economic outlook and rising consumer confidence. But while unemployment is down, the latest labour market figures reveal a surge in part-time jobs as employers remain anxious about long-term recovery prospects, suggesting it may not be time to hang out the bunting just yet.

With more of us working fewer hours and with a resulting earnings gap to close, there's arguably never been a better time to set up a business you can run in your spare time from home. Whether it's to help make ends meet, or to follow your passion, or maybe even both, we've asked the experts to come up with 50 practical and cheap ways to make some extra cash.

Our list may not be exhaustive, nor may it put you on the path to riches and early retirement, but hopefully it will get you thinking. And if you have any better ideas, let us know by emailing .


Antiques/collectibles dealing Know your stuff when it comes to certain kinds of collectibles? If so this can be a great way to make money from a hobby. Trading sites such as eBay make it easier than ever to reach your target market, according to Trent Hamm, author of US money-saving blog "I had some success with this myself in the past, trading cards and video games," he says.

Babysitting If you can spare a few evenings and know any parents desperate to get out, there are few simpler ways to make a few extra pounds.

Bed and breakfast Got a spare room? Live near somewhere of interest to tourists, or close to a student area? Note you'll almost certainly need planning, mortgage lender and health and safety approvals first.

Biscuit/sweet making Homemade biscuits and confectionery can be a great seller, says Hamm. "Bake and package them well, and try reselling through a local gift shop. People in your social network may buy batches for special occasions."

Cake making/decorating If you enjoy baking and have an artistic touch, making and decorating cakes can be a really satisfying way of earning extra money. "One of my mother's old friends does this and makes quite a bit on the side," says Hamm.

Car boot sales This is a part-time occupation that increases earnings and broadens horizons as you make sales and get to travel, says Emma Jones, author of Working 5 to 9: How to Start a Successful Business in your Spare Time, and founder of the website "Consider selling specialist items and building a reputation for being the go-to person; offering your knowledge and expertise with the product can increase the price you're paid," she suggests.

Car cleaning/valeting Have a meticulous eye for detail and love to get things spotless? This could be a perfect side business for you. "Many people are quite happy to pay well for this service," points out Hamm.


Catering Formal qualifications are not strictly required for catering, which is more about producing and delivering good food. However, the organisational aspects may be easier after some instruction, such as a City & Guilds certificate (NVQ or other) in hospitality and catering.

Census distributor Every 10 years a census is held in England and Wales. The next one is in 2011, but you can register now to be considered for a range of related roles in your area, including collection and delivery. See

10 Childcare There's great potential to earn extra money from looking after kids, but you'll need to adore children (not just your own), have boundless energy and patience and in many cases must satisfy Ofsted criteria.

Any adult who looks after another person's child for more than two hours on any one day in a location other than the child's home (so excluding most babysitters and nannies) needs to register with Ofsted – it's not a particularly complicated process but does include medical, criminal and domestic safety checks. Nannies can look after the children of up to two sets of parents, in one of their home environments, without being Ofsted-registered.

Failing to meet the criteria can land you in court, so check here for the full list of Ofsted restrictions.

11 Computer repairer/troubleshooter Despite the proliferation of technology in our lives, many people still find computers complicated to maintain and terrifying if they go wrong. If you have a reassuring manner and are not fazed by the inner workings of a PC, offer your services locally and let word of mouth do the rest. "I had some success doing this in the past," says Hamm.

12 Cosmetics sales This is very much a social business activity so be prepared to spend lots of time meeting and talking to people. You'll be selling mainly by networking and often through parties in other people's homes, so an outgoing manner and immaculate personal presentation skills are essential.

13 Data entry Perhaps not the most thrilling of part-time pursuits, but data entry can nevertheless offer an extremely steady (not to mention flexible) source of extra income. You generally get paid for the number of entries you make rather than by the hour, which means you can go back and forth to it when you get a spare few minutes.

14 Dinner preparation "I recently met a woman who earned quite a bit of money as a very part-time chef," says Hamm. "Once a week, she would go to someone's house and prepare a homemade meal for their family, then do all the dishes and cleaning up. This gives the family plenty of together time, while earning her some cash in hand." If you love to cook, this can be a great extra earnings opportunity, but be prepared to put some effort into finding your customers.

15 Become a DJ It goes without saying that you need a deep love of music and an extensive collection of tunes before you can even consider DJing, but as much of the work is at evenings and weekends, it could make a perfect side business. Be ready to cater for a range of crowds and musical preferences, not just your passion. Learn the ropes by concentrating first on weddings and birthday parties or by doing roadie work for an established DJ, which will gain you useful contacts.

16 Be a doula Jasmine Birtles, the founder of website, says you can make between £12 and £15 an hour or £250-£500 for a birth by being a doula – a birth partner and post-birth partner. "If you've had a baby and you want to help new mothers, do a short course with and work locally," she says. "You do what a grandmother or sister might do for a new mum, such as giving moral support, helping around the house, caring for the baby and supporting the whole family."

17 Flower arranging Imagine doing what you love and getting paid for it, which is what this idea brings to mind. "The nature of the product means you're likely to cater to a local audience, so why not impress with a business card and delivery car adorned with flower power," suggests Jones of "It'll turn heads and attract new business as you turn corners."


18 Garage/garden sales "One person I know holds a garage sale at their house almost every weekend during summer," says Hamm. "They get a lot of regular customers who stop by almost every weekend to see what's on sale. That person then goes to neighbours and friends and offers to sell their stuff for them, splitting the proceeds. People are usually happy to do this since they can get rid of unwanted items and earn a bit of money, too."

19 Gardening services "I've had requests from others for people willing to do this, so the demand is out there," says Hamm. "To put it simply, some people are willing to pay others to get a vegetable or flower garden started so that they can have access to ultra-fresh produce without doing all the legwork."

20 Making greetings cards If you're the kind of person who loves making things, why not try your hand at cards? Ask a local shopkeeper what kind sells best and follow their advice, working to a distinctive style of your own. Then try selling to family, friends and local businesses. Be mindful of material costs and time taken though, as wastage can be expensive in such a low-value product.

21 Handyman services Know your way round a toolbox? Let people know that they can call you for little repair jobs, relatively straightforward DIY tasks such as putting up shelves or assembling flat-pack furniture. "You'd be amazed at the simple things people are willing to pay others to help them with," says Hamm.

22 Host and teach foreign students "This is a great way of renting your room without getting stuck with the flatshare from hell," says Birtles. "Foreign students don't usually stay longer than a couple of months at a time, so if they're annoying at least you know they'll go soon."

Usually the deal is B&B, but sometimes you need to give them an evening meal too. Get in touch with your nearest English language schools and let them know you have a room to rent, Birtles advises. The website has a list of schools in the UK. You can make up to £200 a week depending on where you live.

23 House cleaning "This is an idea you can start yourself, or consider being part of a house-cleaning franchise such as Molly Maid where you have the benefit of being your own boss as well as the support of a central team," says Jones.

24 Ironing/laundry services "Even in these cash-strapped times, some people hate ironing so much they're willing to pay others to do it (at least in the posh parts of town)," says Birtles of, who suggests either registering with domestic agencies such as or setting up your own local service.

"Check out the competition, see how much they charge, and undercut. Either work for an hourly rate, a fee per item or a fee per lb," she says. You should get between £8 and £12 per hour, between 50p and £1 per item or between 50p and £1 per lb of clothes, depending on where you work."

25 Jewellery selling Never mind Tupperware – if you have jewellery you no longer wear or want, try organising a party to sell it, says Jones. "Websites that organise these parties, such as, are going great guns in signing up ladies who want to earn extra income in their spare time," she says.

26 Knitting/alteration/sewing services A big growth area, as more people come to appreciate the value in repairing and patching up clothes. If you're handy with a sewing machine, there's serious money to be made. Once you get known locally, word-of-mouth should do the rest.

27 Leaflet distributing Delivering leaflets to people's houses could be a profitable and healthy way to spend a few spare hours a week. Call into your local shops and restaurants to see if they need help distributing flyers, menus and so on.

28 Market research Get paid for your opinions by signing up with and taking part in focus groups, suggests Birtles. "You get between £50-£100 cash, plus food and drink for saying what you think about products or services for a few hours. Or be the one asking the questions. Ipsos Mori offers flexible hours to people willing to do phone interviews or knock on doors to ask people questions. You make between £8-£10 an hour on average."


29 Musical performance If you can play a musical (especially orchestral) instrument to a high enough standard, know a few choice solo pieces and look presentable, spread the word locally – weddings and other formal functions can be a lucrative source of performance income.

30 Online surveys It's possible to make pocket money by filling in internet surveys – though's Birtles advises caution, as there are hundreds of bogus companies on the net. "Toluna, Ciao!, Lightspeed Panel, and Valued Opinions are all pukka," she says. "You make between 50p and £5 per survey. Click here for more information and a list of genuine survey companies.

31 Online trading Sites such as eBay and Amazon make it easy for people to dabble in e-commerce. "Start with a clearout of your attic," suggests Dan Wilson, author of Make Serious Money on eBay. "If you start to sell other goods, focus on things you can get hold of easily, or are passionate about. And have an eye on the Christmas market: think about what will be selling well in a few months' time."

32 Personal organiser/assistant If you are good at filing and managing tasks, and know someone who isn't, why not offer to share your expertise with them for a small consideration? Being organised is a valuable skill, and whether it's for a small company or a friend there may be more of a market for this than meets the eye. Ask around friends or look on listings websites including

33 Personal shopping "This is an idea that nicely taps into our desire for personal service," says Jones. "There's also potential to niche this business, for example focusing on time-starved ladies. Making it niche brings down marketing costs and increases customer loyalty."

34 Personal tutoring If you are a part-time teacher or are perhaps taking a career break to look after young children, this can be a great way to make a little money while keeping your syllabus knowledge up to date. Try advertising locally or registering with an agency like Personal Tutors.

35 Pet grooming "Many people loathe bathing their pets and trimming their hair – I know I do," says Hamm. "Pet groomers can do this for a small fee – a perfect job for a person who loves dogs and cats."

36 Pet minding/walking "Dog-walking is a fantastic earner if you love animals and enjoy the outdoors," says Birtles. "On average you can make between £10-£15 per hour, per dog." Get good and you can be walking two or more at a time. Offer pet-minding as well and you can make a whole business out of it. "You'll need public liability insurance in case something happens to the dogs or members of the public," she warns.

37 Online referrals expert There's money to be made from your email address book: a surprising number of companies will pay you if you can persuade your friends to become their customers. Check out the website, an online matching service where you can get referral bonuses from companies like Sky, Virgin Media and First Direct.

38 Rent out your stuff You can rent pretty much anything now, although space is still the most profitable "item", says Birtles. "Rent your driveway on if you live somewhere popular, or your possessions from a baby bath to your lawnmower on sites like and Zilok ," she advises. "Currently there are more items on offer than requests to lease things, but it's worth a try."

39 Slivers of Time OK, this isn't strictly a business idea, but sliversoftime.commatches people with a few spare hours here and there with part-time work. Register with the site, then put your spare time on the calendar. Your hours are sent to local agencies and businesses who regularly use part-time workers.

40 Selling ad space on a personal blog This is not a big money-earner to start with but could be if you work at it, reckons Birtles. "Set up your own blog (do it for free with and fill it with great writing, photos, videos and anything else you're passionate about," she advises. "Get ads automatically through Google Adsense and make a few pence every time someone clicks on an ad."


Do book reviews and make money selling the books through Amazon's affiliate programme.

41 Scrapbook making Many people dream of having beautiful scrapbooks, says Hamm. "They collect all the materials they want to go in them, but never follow through on the actual creation. You can step in here – take their ideas and materials and assemble a scrapbook for them."

42 Selling lost luggage Auction houses round the country routinely sell off lost luggage that the airlines have failed to match with their owners. "For example, Greasby's in south London sells off BA's lost items every week," points out Birtles. "You bid blind on bags that have had the expensive stuff removed (cameras, iPods etc) and then sell the bag and contents on eBay or at a car boot sale. Bags generally go for between £5-£50. Your profit depends on what's in them!"

43 Translating If you are fluent in a second language, translation services are in demand as UK companies look overseas for new sales. But be warned: it's a serious business and you'll need professional qualifications from an accredited body (such as the Institute of Translation and Interpreting or the Chartered Institute of Linguists) and professional indemnity insurance before setting up.

For public service translating work you'll also need a diploma in public service interpreting law, a licence from the National Register of Public Service Interpreters and to be registered with an approved interpreting body.

"Once qualified, register with translation sites such as and and grow from there," suggests Jones.

44 "Ugly" modelling If you look, shall we say, different, you could make money in ads, photoshoots or appearances through the Ugly model agency. "People with phenomenal tattoos, piercings or just very "interesting" faces can make thousands doing commercials, videos or corporate appearances," says Birtles.

45 Vegetable growing If you have some suitable garden space and the requisite green fingers, focus on one vegetable and sell the excess to local greengrocers and at farmers' markets. "My father does this with tomatoes and earns some solid extra money in the summer," says Hamm.

46 Virtual assistant "Many ultra-busy professionals appreciate having someone who can check and answer their email, organise task lists for them, update their calendars and so on, with minimal interaction," says Hamm. "You can provide this service from home with a good internet connection."

47 Website designing An increasingly competitive field as the software needed becomes more and more mainstream. However if you have a good eye for design generally and formal training, it can be a profitable side business.

48 Wedding/social photographer You'll need a website or blog to showcase your work, but if you're confident that your photography is good enough, there's no reason why you can't do wedding/function work professionally. Do your homework though – you'll need to take charge of arranging people into groups and know all the classic poses expected of the occasion.

49 Wedding planning If you're one of those people who can't help but flip through bridal magazines and daydream about nuptial arrangements, this might be perfect for you. "A great way to get started is to develop a website on the topic, get to know people online and offer your services to the community," says Hamm.

50 Writing letters to magazines You can make between £10-£200 for a good letter or photograph to a weekly magazine such as Take a Break or Pick Me Up, suggests Birtles. "If you have a really juicy story you can make even more, and you don't even have to write it, she says. Women's magazines particularly are usually desperate for items for their letters' pages, and even quite tame stuff often gets in.

Working from home - Whose business is it?

If you're an employee/mum/student by day and are building a business after hours, Emma Jones highlights the people­ you need to keep in the loop.

• The boss So long as you're not doing anything in competition with your day job, it's wise to tell your employer. Providing it doesn't affect your work, most employers should see a side business as a good thing; you're gaining new skills, while the employer gains the benefits and doesn't have to pay for the training.

• The insurance/mortgage people When starting a business at home, upgrade the insurance policy to include­ business cover and tell your mortgage provider, even though this won't affect payments. You only have to inform the local council if the nature­ of the house is going to change from a home to business premises, which is unlikely.

• The taxman You have a duty to inform HMRC of activities within three months of trading. Registration­ is straightforward, with forms depending­ on whether you set up as a sole trader, partnership or limited company. Keep the tax bill as low as possible by claiming business and homeworking expenses.

• Friends and family Last but not least – so they can all (hopefully) start buying from you.

Friday 5 January 2018

How to produce original petroleum Jelly  (VASELINE )

Vaseline is the Trade name given to a smoothing ointment made from 100% pure petroleum jelly which was invented by a young chemist called Robert Chesebrough in U.S in 1859 when he travelled to Titusville (a small town in Pennsyvania) where the oil workers were using an unrefined form of petroleum jelly called rod wax. For this reason, he began to study the substance( rod wax) through various processes of refinement and purification( distillation process) until he was able to get a lighter and a more transparent gel which is the vaseline we use today also known as "Wonder Jelly".

Vaseline is a blend of mineral oils and waxes which works by creating a sealing barrier between cells in dry or damaged skins and thereby locks in moisture and speeds up natural recovery and healing the skin from within,the main ingredient in vaseline production is peroleum jelly.

Vaseline is often used everyday in our homes. As long as human population continues to grow so also the need for vaseline will grow, this makes vaseline a high lucrative business both in Nigeria and in other countries of the world. The business is not gender specific, it can be done by both male and female gender, whereas both gender can apply on their skin .

Even though many creams in the stores have been an alternative for vaseline, still vaseline is still in high demand all over the world because:

1.It doesn't cause skin reaction

2. It is used to prevent inflammation caused by heat generated from prolonged used of diapers

3. It is used in the laboratory to prevent air from entering specimen hence,it is used for sealing cover slip

4. It is used to keep the body warm during cold season

5. It is used as a lubricant

6. It is a water repellant

7. It is used to prevent cracked heels, lips,and skin

8. It is used as polish to polish surfaces such as shoes and bags

9. It is used to prevent rusting of metal surfaces

10. It is used to prevent split ends in hair.

start carrying vaseline along with you in your purse when moving out because you might need it to soften your hand when you enter the resturant. if you are a mom, you might need it when changing your baby's diaper and you might need it during hash weather to protect your lips from drying out. 

The process of vaseline production is very simple provided the raw material( ingredients) are readily available; in the production of vaseline, water is NOT needed, paraffin oil serves as water.

Ingredients  and thier functions in vaseline production 

1.  Paraffin oil 6 table spoons- This is the oil that helps to reduce thickness of vaseline since water is not needed in the production. it has a healing and a nourishing ability

2. petroleum jelly 1 and 1/2 cup- This is a nourishing agent that helps to thicken and hold the vaseline together

3.  Paraffin wax 2 teaspoons- This helps to holds the mixture together

4.  Lanolin 1 table spoon- This ingredients gives the the vaseline an elastic feel, making it appear thick

5. Fragrance ( as desired)- It gives a nice flavour or scent to your vaseline

6. Vitamine E (1 table spoon)- It serves as an anti-oxidant for nourishing dry and crack skin

you can choose to add colour or not to your vaseline . the colour ranges from blue, green, yellow, brown to neutral.

Production Process of vaseline

- Drop a clean pot on a heat ( stove),add the paraffin oil,paraffin wax,petroleum jelly and lanolin and allow them dissolve and mixed properly

- Add Vitamin E and allow it to dissolve

- Drop the pot from heat and wait for it to cool down a bit

- Then add the the Fragrance and scoop into already used vaseline container and allow it to settle in side the container while cooling gently.

  You can get vaseline container from any big market that specializes on plastics business to enable you customize your product for sale, most times, the shops that sell chemical or scientific laboratory items usually sale the containers too. you can enquire from them. now that you have known how to make vaseline, learn how to make your own moisturizing body creamperfume and hair creamremember you can be your own boss controlling what  comes into your your skin and hair.

Did you make your own vaseline? was it that easy? Leave your comment below.