Friday 22 December 2017

Twelve Ways To Get A Job Without Application

Twelve Ways To Get A Job Without Application.

#1. Super invest in personal development. Over prepare for life opportunities. This is when you work on your attitude and emotion generally. Improve on your people management and people handling skills. Seek to over come any weakness that people repeatedly complain about you. You must deliberately develop a sweet personality by throwing away all negativity.

#2. Keep preparing until an opportunity shows up. Improve on your skill. If you read engineering, for instance, seek to add a complemenatry skill, maybe a computer related skill. This will give you an edge over your peers when opportunity comes knocking.

#3. Apply the principle of apprenticeship. Attach yourself to a mentor or trainer. Even as a graduate of Engineering with first class you can enrol in training from a road side Mechanic to learn practicals to add to what you have.

#4. Prepare some more. You do this by understanding the place of vision, purpose, destiny, passion and self actualisation. Understand what you are born to be and do in life and seek to work in places where that deepest passion of yours is their daily routine.

#5. Take steps. To take steps could mean that you volunteer your service to help for free or tender an application on line or physically in the direction you prepared for. Never go out looking for vacancies but opportunuties. When you drop your CV and you are told there is no job just tell them that you are there to help the vision and as soon as there is space you will be willing to serve. Most people jump to this stage without preparation (stages 1 -4).

#6. Sincerely seek an opportunuty to serve. One thing most people fail to understand is that sincerity pays. In the final analysis you are really not deceiving anybody but yourself so be real about your intention to serve not just to work.

#7. Get engaged. Get something doing. If two people appear before an interview panel and they are both asked how long they have graduated without a job and they both reply 3 years. What do you think the next question would be? What have you been doing all this while? So who do you think will be employed if one says he has been engaged in menial jobs while the other said he has been searching for something to do?

#8. Look for something to succeed in. Success begats success. You can be a part of someone else's success story. Nothing sells a man like testimony of others via word of the mouth. Let your result speak for you.
#9. Never seek for a job but seek for an opportunity to express your passion. This means that you are not qualified to apply for job if you have not found your passion. Even if you get employed by favour, without passion you cannot excel or move to the next level.

#10. Never jump a level. Never stop preparing for the next level. You cannot enter into the university with the result you obtained from primary school final examination. Life will always test you and keep you on the level you are prepared for.

#11. Rather than seek employment seek deployment to your God given assignment. Create a job for yourself and build on it. 

#12. Never forget the God factor. Engage in kingdom investment both with your money and your sweat. With all of the above in place and these out of place all you have are theoretical victories without tangible proofs.

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