Thursday 14 December 2017

Hair Conditioner Production

Hair conditioner is hair products used to boost hair conditions and arrest hair breakage; in addition, it nourishes, damp and buffers the hair by supplying necessary ingredients that are needed for healthy hair.

At best, hair conditioner is massaged into the hair and its scalp, and appropriate to leave it for some time before washing it off for the utmost result. There are countless hair products, but you can include hair conditioner production in your array of   hair products as a complementary product after the use of hair relaxer and shampoo product.

You can start your own hair conditioner production by following the laydown processes below. If found useful , get back to us  for any kind of support and help. Good luck!!!


PH meter

Mineral oil                                         1.3 kg
Cetyl alcohol                                     250 grams
Lanolin                                              13 grams
Croda wax                                        250 grams
Colour                                               desired
Methyl Paraben                                  40 grams
Nitrosol / Pac-R                                 50 grams
Glycerin or propylene glycol               1 kg
Fragrance                                          desired
Water                                                18 litres

Dissolve the Nitrosol in water and leave overnight, Set the mixer on the heater and turn it on mildly Pour the mineral oil into the mixer; add the colourant and stir till evenly dissolved. Add the croda wax, lanolin, methyl Paraben and acetyl alcohol into the mixer in quick succession until all have dissolved and turned off the heat, Mix the mixture from 1 and 4 Add glycerin, propylene glycol and fragrance, Stir the mixture continuously until a smooth creamy paste is formedPackage your product ready for the market.

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