Thursday 28 December 2017



 In my continued quest to live a healthier, less-chemical-soaked lifestyle, I’ve started detoxing my beauty routine. That means reading ingredients, looking for natural alternatives to find what really works!

If you read the ingredients list on a tube of body cream, you won’t recognize most of them.  It will be filled with unpronounceable ingredients and preservatives, and if you’re lucky, a few nourishing, natural oils, butters and waxes. And maybe some essential oils too.  

But it is possible to make your own homemade body cream – if you’re willing to learn the process.  To be honest, making your own beauty products is a lot like cooking.  You start with a recipe to learn the basics, then customize them as you get more confident.  – you can customize them exactly to your skin type and preferences (and use really high-quality ingredients, without paying retail prices!)

Just to be clear up-front – making your own face and body cream is not the best starter project. I’d suggest starting with honey as a face mask, making this cream deodorant, or even making this luxurious cleansing balm first.  Quick, easy, great results.  Making a cream is more like making a mayonnaise.  Easy enough when you know the process, but maybe not the best recipe for your first time in the kitchen!



I said that making face or body cream is a bit like making mayonnaise.  And it really is! 

Mayonnaise (and creams) are made of a blend of oils and water. 

But as you know, oil and water don’t mix!

So you need to blend them together in the right ratios, sometimes with an emulsifier to make sure they won’t separate – and amazingly during the blending, it turns into a thick, luscious cream!  

 The recipe below is more of a framework.  You can choose the oils and waters that you’d like to include in your own recipe.

If you’d like a specific recipe to make your own body cream, try my Stress Relief Body Cream – it smells fantastic!

Also, don’t forget the packaging. 

Sure, you could keep your body cream in a plastic food container – but really, what is the luxurious pampering experience in that?! I love collecting vintage jars, or pretty glass jars and pots, or even reusing nice packaging from store-bought beauty products. It sounds strange, but having nice packaging for your homemade beauty products really makes using them a lot more fun!



There are two types of ingredients in a homemade face and body cream: oils and waters.  You can mix and match within each type, to use the ingredients that fit your skin type.


Here are some options for the water part of your homemade face and body cream:

Filtered, distilled or mineral waterHydrosol (or ‘flower water’), such as rose waterorange flower waterlavender hydrosol etc.Herbal Infusion (aka. Herbal Tea!)Aloe Vera Gel (up to 1/3 of the water part maximum)


Here are some options for the oil part of your homemade face and body cream:

All-purpose unscented oils like AlmondGrapeseed or SunflowerOlive oil, although it may add a slightly olive scent to your creamButters such as cocoa butter or shea butterCoconut oilBeeswax (or vegan alternative) – you’ll need this in your cream to thicken it up


 Face and Body Cream Recipe

Broley Empowered. 


Waters – 3/4 cup total (use a combination of the water options from above)

Oils 3/4 cup total, use a combination of

0.5 oz beeswax1/4 cup cocoa butterother oils options from above5 drops Essential Oils of your choice


1. In a double boiler (also called a bain marie), heat the oils until melted. Some oils, like cocoa butter and beeswax, are solid at room temperature. So you need to melt all the oils (solid & liquid) together, making sure you have 3/4 c. oil total at the end.

2. Pour the oils into a blender (or, into a heatproof container if using a stick-blender). Let the oils cool to room temperature.

3. Start the blender – then slowly pour the water in – at some point the blender noise will change and you’ll notice that you have cream! Keep blending to incorporate all of the water. You can also blend the cream by hand, but be ready for a workout!

4. Add the drops of essential oil, and stir to disperse throughout the cream.

5. Scoop the cream into sterilized jars. Label the jars (don’t forget to include the date!).

That’s it! Making face and body cream is just like cooking – but you end up with a super luxurious, fresh body product.

Friday 22 December 2017

Twelve Ways To Get A Job Without Application

Twelve Ways To Get A Job Without Application.

#1. Super invest in personal development. Over prepare for life opportunities. This is when you work on your attitude and emotion generally. Improve on your people management and people handling skills. Seek to over come any weakness that people repeatedly complain about you. You must deliberately develop a sweet personality by throwing away all negativity.

#2. Keep preparing until an opportunity shows up. Improve on your skill. If you read engineering, for instance, seek to add a complemenatry skill, maybe a computer related skill. This will give you an edge over your peers when opportunity comes knocking.

#3. Apply the principle of apprenticeship. Attach yourself to a mentor or trainer. Even as a graduate of Engineering with first class you can enrol in training from a road side Mechanic to learn practicals to add to what you have.

#4. Prepare some more. You do this by understanding the place of vision, purpose, destiny, passion and self actualisation. Understand what you are born to be and do in life and seek to work in places where that deepest passion of yours is their daily routine.

#5. Take steps. To take steps could mean that you volunteer your service to help for free or tender an application on line or physically in the direction you prepared for. Never go out looking for vacancies but opportunuties. When you drop your CV and you are told there is no job just tell them that you are there to help the vision and as soon as there is space you will be willing to serve. Most people jump to this stage without preparation (stages 1 -4).

#6. Sincerely seek an opportunuty to serve. One thing most people fail to understand is that sincerity pays. In the final analysis you are really not deceiving anybody but yourself so be real about your intention to serve not just to work.

#7. Get engaged. Get something doing. If two people appear before an interview panel and they are both asked how long they have graduated without a job and they both reply 3 years. What do you think the next question would be? What have you been doing all this while? So who do you think will be employed if one says he has been engaged in menial jobs while the other said he has been searching for something to do?

#8. Look for something to succeed in. Success begats success. You can be a part of someone else's success story. Nothing sells a man like testimony of others via word of the mouth. Let your result speak for you.
#9. Never seek for a job but seek for an opportunity to express your passion. This means that you are not qualified to apply for job if you have not found your passion. Even if you get employed by favour, without passion you cannot excel or move to the next level.

#10. Never jump a level. Never stop preparing for the next level. You cannot enter into the university with the result you obtained from primary school final examination. Life will always test you and keep you on the level you are prepared for.

#11. Rather than seek employment seek deployment to your God given assignment. Create a job for yourself and build on it. 

#12. Never forget the God factor. Engage in kingdom investment both with your money and your sweat. With all of the above in place and these out of place all you have are theoretical victories without tangible proofs.




      Entrepreneurship is not an achievement, rather, it is a life style, it is a way of life. It is something you live to become, therefore you must do it with a reason.

      An Entrepreneur is someone who create an opportunity and also generate an idea from circumstances people see as a challenge.  An Entrepreneur learn to work without constraints. 



==== BE PASSIONATE : It will keep you going when everything else around you stop.

==== BE A DOER: Know what you want to do and learn how to make it happen. i.e. plan and execute.

==== DONT BE AFRAID OF FAILURE : Ignore things that are  meant to discourage you.

==== DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER: Keep pushing.

==== BE A VISIONARY : See solutions to challenges.

====BE COMPETITIVE: Aspire to become better than your yesterday.

====BE A SELF STARTER: Do what you need to do that will keep the vision going.

====BE FEARLESS: Just do it because you will succed in it . Don't imagine failure.

====WORK HARD: Ensure you are making progress daily.

==== BE RESTLESS: BE a goal getter, Don't rest until you achieve set targets. 

      Remember to Continuously purse and definitely you will achieve results.

Sunday 17 December 2017



Your worth is the function of your usefulness. Find out “HOW TO GAIN MORE WORTH” For Free! Visit Broley Empowered today.

What Is Paint And How Is Paint Made?
To most people, paint is the colour on the walls of their home, the colour of their car, boat or caravan. Paint is more than just the colour though; it is a material that is applied as a liquid and dries by a variety of chemical processes to a solid. We apply paint for: Decoration Protection Identification Sanitation What is paint made of? Paint typically consists of pigment, resin, solvent and additives: Pigment - to provide colour, hiding and control gloss. Pigments are usually divided into two groups. One called ‘Prime Pigments’ includes pigments such as Titanium Dioxide (white), Chrome Green Oxide, Yellow and Red Iron Oxides, etc. The other group of pigments is called ‘Extender Pigments’ and includes Calcite (Calcium Carbonate), Talc (Magnesium Silicate), Mica, Barytes (Barium Sulphate), etc. Resin – the binder to hold the pigment particles together and provide adhesion to the surface painted. Waterborne paints most often use acrylic emulsion polymers as binders. These come in a wide variety of types and combinations. Common acrylic polymer types are based on monomers such as methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate. Traditionally, lower cost paints have been formulated on PVA (Poly Vinyl Acetate) binders. Solventbased resins come in a very wide range of types. The most common solventbased resins are termed ‘alkyd resins’ that are normally used in enamel paints. Urethane alkyds often used in clear varnishes. Protective coating resins include types such as Epoxy, Urethane, Polysiloxane and Moisture Cured Urethane. Solvent – to act as a carrier for the pigments and resin – the solvent may be organic (such as Mineral Turps) or water. Additives – to enhance certain properties such as ease of brushing, mould resistance, scuff resistance, drying and sag resistance. Manufacturing process Our paint is generally manufactured in batch lots from 200 litres for special products and colours to 10,000 litres for mainline white products. The manufacturing process involves five critical parts: Part 1 – Accurate measurement of ingredients Ingredients are typically measured by weight on scales, and in some cases by volume in calibrated vats and graduated measuring containers. For batches larger than about 4000 litres the vats are loaded onto load cells connected to accurate electronic scales. The scales allow addition of ingredients with a measurement accuracy of +/- 5 kg in 20,000 kg. Where greater accuracy of small additions is required highly accurate floor scales are used. Part 2 – Mill-base preparation and pigment dispersion Pigments are powders of typically small size that tend to stick together to form clumps or agglomerates. These must be broken down into separate particles that must then be wetted by resin and additives to stop them sticking together again. This is the process of dispersion. High speed mixers are used for combining materials and dispersing most pigments. These machines rotate stainless steel serrated discs of up to 60cm diameter, at up to about 1000 rpm. The largest machine also has rotating scraper blades to ensure material doesn’t stick to the sides of the mill-base vat. Pigments are added slowly, from containers of 10 kg up to 1000 kg, to a portion of the liquid paint components, with the mixer running, to form the mill-base. Certain pigments are more difficult to disperse and require ball milling, bead milling or bar milling. Ball mills are used for small batches of difficult to disperse mill-bases. Ball mills are large porcelain lined rotating drums containing golf ball sized porcelain balls. Rolling and tumbling of the balls provides sufficient force to break up agglomerates. Bead mills are used for large batches and can maintain semi-continuous output. Operation is similar to a ball mill but the vessel is smaller and balls are 3mm diameter zirconium dioxide beads, and mixing is at a higher speed producing more rapid output. Bar mills are especially useful for highly viscous (thick) mill-bases. The mill-base is forced through a small clearance between a rotating water cooled roller and a bar pushed against the roller. Part 3 – Let-down In a separate, larger, vat the rest of the paint (resin, solvent and additives) is combined and mixed. This is called the let-down. When the let-down and the mill-base are completed, the mill-base is added with stirring to the let-down. At this stage, if required by the formulation, any final additions are made and added in. Part 4 – Finished product and in process laboratory testing Product quality is monitored throughout the manufacturing process by the Product Verification Laboratory. Critical ingredients are tested before manufacturing starts. The mill-base may be tested for dispersion; if necessary further processing may be required. The let-down may be tested to ensure it is sufficiently mixed. The completed batch (mill-base plus let-down and any final additions) is thoroughly tested by the Product Verification Laboratory. These final tests evaluate properties such as degree of dispersion, viscosity (consistency), density, hiding, tint strength and colour, application, dry time, gloss and dry film appearance. Part 5 – Canning When testing is completed the batch is passed for canning. During canning two samples are taken; a retain sample, which is stored in case it is needed for future reference, and a Final Inspection sample. The Final Inspection sample is tested in the Resene Final Inspection Laboratory to guarantee conformance to relevant standards and specifications, such as APAS, Environmental Choice, etc. After this final stage of testing is complete the batch is passed for use in the warehouse and dispatch to branches as required. How does paint work? The simplest types of paint are lacquers that form a film by evaporation of solvent. Waterborne paints, such as Resene Hi-Glo, are usually based on emulsion resins that consist of trillions of tiny resin particles, about 1/100th of the diameter of a human hair. As the water in these paints evaporates the resin and pigment particles get closer and closer together until they begin to touch each other. When the resin particles touch each other and the pigments, they stick together and fuse into a tough elastic solid, which we recognise as the paint film. Solventborne enamel paints, such as Resene Super Gloss, are based on alkyd resin dissolved in solvent (mineral turps). When the solvent evaporates the first stage is the formation of a tacky lacquer. The alkyd resin progressively reacts with oxygen from the atmosphere and polymerises to form a hard, tough coating. Two component protective coating paints are unreactive on their own, but when mixed together undergo a chemical reaction. The chemical reaction takes a few hours (depending upon temperature) and results in an extremely tough, hard coating with great adhesion. These paints generally require specialist surface preparation and application, and are often used in extreme environments. The boundaries between waterborne paints and solventborne enamels, and other reactive coatings, are becoming blurred as new technologies develop. For example, Resene Enamacryl and Resene Lustacryl consist of waterborne emulsion resins and chemistry that produces polymerisation of the dried film similar to solventborne enamels.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Hair Conditioner Production

Hair conditioner is hair products used to boost hair conditions and arrest hair breakage; in addition, it nourishes, damp and buffers the hair by supplying necessary ingredients that are needed for healthy hair.

At best, hair conditioner is massaged into the hair and its scalp, and appropriate to leave it for some time before washing it off for the utmost result. There are countless hair products, but you can include hair conditioner production in your array of   hair products as a complementary product after the use of hair relaxer and shampoo product.

You can start your own hair conditioner production by following the laydown processes below. If found useful , get back to us  for any kind of support and help. Good luck!!!


PH meter

Mineral oil                                         1.3 kg
Cetyl alcohol                                     250 grams
Lanolin                                              13 grams
Croda wax                                        250 grams
Colour                                               desired
Methyl Paraben                                  40 grams
Nitrosol / Pac-R                                 50 grams
Glycerin or propylene glycol               1 kg
Fragrance                                          desired
Water                                                18 litres

Dissolve the Nitrosol in water and leave overnight, Set the mixer on the heater and turn it on mildly Pour the mineral oil into the mixer; add the colourant and stir till evenly dissolved. Add the croda wax, lanolin, methyl Paraben and acetyl alcohol into the mixer in quick succession until all have dissolved and turned off the heat, Mix the mixture from 1 and 4 Add glycerin, propylene glycol and fragrance, Stir the mixture continuously until a smooth creamy paste is formedPackage your product ready for the market.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Shampoo Production

Shampoo is a viscous liquid that is used for the washing of hair and scalp. It is a must have for the ladies and even men and guys who are concerned about the proper care of their hair. Production of natural shampoo from plant blend will go a long way to your kind of shampoo brands in the striving shampoo market.  

The production of hair shampoo process must be in coherence with standard and quality formulation. This will play a vital role in the market when pushing for high product demand, and satisfactory customer report.

Quality product is the key to all your production plans; use of very nice  fragrance, flavor, good marketing campaigns are all part of the plans and feminine colour are as you should be aware of that majority of your potential customer are ladies.    


1.       Mixer

2.       Measuring Cylinder

3.       Weighing Scale


1.       Detergent                        12 litres

2.       Sodium Chloride             500 grams

3.       Formalin                           500 mls

4.       Propylene glycol             2 litres

5.       Deionised water             0.5 litre

6.       Glycerine                         1 litre

7.       Colourant                        500 ml

8.       Pacol or Antisol              1 kg

9.       Fragrance                        As desired

10.   Sodium lauryl sulphate 150 grams


1.       Add 12 litres of detergent into a the mixer and add 50 litres of water and stir

2.       Add salt (sodium chloride)

3.       Add sodium lauryl sulphate

4.       Check out the weight C.M.C and pour into a different bowl

5.       Add 1 litre of glycerin and 2 litres of propylene glycol the C.M.C and stir till uniform blend is achieved

6.       Pour the mixture gently into the shampoo with rapid stirring

7.       Add formalin, colourant and perfume and continue stirring for 5 mins

8.       Sieve and package.
      If found useful, contact us for more of this, Thanks.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Saturday 2 December 2017


       Entrepreneurs are a rare breed.
They are the ones who question the status quo and come up with solutions for problems that trouble the world as a whole. Problems, sometimes which we don’t even realize to be a problem. But, not everybody is built to be an entrepreneur. While entrepreneurship education certainly does exist at the university level, some still question its effectiveness. It is something that grows out of a gut feeling and also out of passion. For first-time or first-gen entrepreneurs as they are often referred to, this translates into a period of difficulty. Everything they look at seems to be written in a language they can’t understand. Even with background knowledge in business administration and financial management, entrepreneurs often struggle to keep things under control when running their own businesses. Money being something that can be easily lost with bad decisions can wreak disaster for a first-gen entrepreneur. Tips for First Generation Entrepreneurs This post covers some financial tips to help the first-gen entrepreneurs make right decisions to save them from long-term business disasters. Don’t worry. You won’t need your accountant by your side to understand what I have compiled. You will totally relate to what I have on offer.

1. Invest in Hiring Since People are Your Biggest Assets “If you run a business, put on top your employees, the consumers, and then your shareholders.” ~ Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group. People make up a business. People turn names into brands. It is people who turn your ideas into products. Investing in them is perhaps the best financial decision you can ever make. How can it be a financial decision, you may ask. Investing in attractive employee benefits and hiring the cream of your candidates who can get things done and exceed expectations with results, are the most important decisions needed in the early stages of your startup. As Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, said, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” You need smart people who can tell you what can be done to make your startup a success. Not employees who say “Yes Sir” all the time or the ones who just work to instructions.

2. Invest in Customer Loyalty as Much as New Acquisitions It takes 10 times the cost to acquire a new customer compared to retaining a single old customer. This is 2017 and customer loyalty is the biggest strategic advantage. Look at Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Nike and other favorite brands. They depend upon the strength of their customer loyalty. Many first-gen entrepreneurs make the fatal mistake of having a belief that they can widen their customer base even if they lose their first few customers. Remember, your first customer is like your first love. He or she is the ones who paid for your product when the world did not even know about your brand. So it pays to keep that customer happy and coming back for more. Along with investments to increase your new customer acquisitions, plan for customer loyalty programs, reward points and other tactics to keep your first customers happy. Their word-of-mouth publicity can go a long way in bringing in more business. BrightLocal’s survey results further assert the power of personal recommendations and word-of-mouth publicity.

3. When it Comes to Fixed Expenses, Keep Them as Low as Possible Expenses like rent, salaries, interest on the debt, etc. are fixed overhead. You will incur them and have to pay them without fail on a timely basis. Now, you cannot run a business without fixed overhead. And taking and maintaining working capital loans will also prove difficult since your business is just getting started. The best thing you can possibly do is to keep both fixed expenses and loans to a bare minimum. Also, try to increase and maintain the debtors turnover ratio at the highest level possible. This will give you enough working capital to meet your everyday business expenses. Low fixed expenses combined with high debtors turnover ratio will give you a healthy operational cash flow.

4. Marketing Should be Campaign Performance Based Marketing is critical for building  your brand. You need as much publicity as possible in the early days of your launch. But, should that force you to burn cash by marketing blindly? Most first-gen entrepreneurs make the mistake of investing in high-profile paid advertising in online and offline channels to gain initial traction. Moreover, 50 percent of companies are using digital marketing, but they don’t have a plan. What they don’t understand is that marketing should always be planned proactively and tweaked further based on campaign performance. Measure the response and lead flow from all your campaigns. Keep track of the ones that fail to meet the average ROI mark. Check them off and focus on the campaigns that bring in results. Paying for marketing that does not hold the promise to yield results either now or in the near future does not make sense at all.

5. Set Clear Cut Milestones for Investors and Lenders Your investors and lenders will have sky-high expectations. It is mandatory to put in writing and come to a consensus as to what they expect your business to achieve in the next quarter, half-year or financial year. Setting clear milestones in terms of sales volumes, business acquisition and profits will give direction to your business. It will empower your finance team to set the right directions to plan and spend financial resources in alignment with periodical budgets. Otherwise, they might be tempted to sign up vendor contracts that can either be postponed for a later stage or can even be put off altogether. In Closing That brings us to the close of  five major financial decisions you can make to steer your business in the right direction. As a first-gen entrepreneur, you are bound to make some mistakes in these areas. Financial management books follow textbook knowledge and may not be helpful in imparting practical real-world knowledge. That is what motivated me to come up with these five pearls of financial wisdom for first-gen entrepreneurs. Hope this helps. Feel free to share any questions.

Air Freshner Production

Air fresheners are widely used in our homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, rest rooms (toilets) for elimination of unwanted odour. Air fresheners come in different forms such as spray, candle wax, gels, block, beads, powdered and liquid forms The following are the chemicals use in producing the non-natural air freshener.

Chemicals for making synthethic Air freshener

Texapol- This is an emulsifier used for stabilizing the mixture.  Methanol- This is a light, colorless, volatile alcohol.This chemical serves as the solvent that dissolves other chemicals found in air freshener which are insoluble in water.Menthol- Also known as peppermint is a compound from herbal volatile oils that has many potential health benefits. Menthol serves as an Anti-inflammatory and flavouring agent in air freshener. It comes white or clear colour.Fragrance- This is what gives the aromatic scent to your air freshener. you can increase or moderate the quantity in your air freshener.Colourant- It is used to make the mixture attractive.  It comes in powdered form and with various colours such as blue, green, red, yellow and pink, just to mention a few.

Ingredients and measurement for the production 1 litre of air freshener

Methanol, 1 CupTexapon,3 TablespoonfulMenthol, 2 TablespoonsColour as DesiredFragrance as desiredWater. 1 litreempty jars which can be gotten from the people selling these chemicals

Directions on how to produce Air freshener 

Dissolve menthol in the methanol, mix gently till the crystal begins to clear. Cover and leave it for 5 minutes.Dissolve texapon with a little water and pour into the methanol solution then stir properly but gently. Add water  before adding colour and perfume. Stir slowly. Add colourant to tint your mixture, stirring gently.Add fragrance and stir, leave it for 4hours, then package it into a squirt bottles, for home use or get print your product name and place on the bottle for sales. If you are preparing this for commercial use, you would have to increase the quantity of the air freshener to meet your demand. If the air freshener is too concentrated, you can dillute it with water to a moderate concentration.

Note: chemical like methanol have toxic fragrance which can lead to permanent blindness or death,if you are allergic to this chemicals or have an asthmatic patient at home its better to stay away from synthetic air freshener as it tends to worsen the health of such individual or even yours and your pets.

The best alternative to the synthetic air freshener is -

Always open your widows during heat and cold season or use light cottons for your doors and windows so as to allow fresh ventilation to flow inside your house. Try always to change your garbage containers to a new one or empty and wash them properly in other to eliminate unpleasant odour. Better still if you are really a fragrance loving individual, you may switch over to making this simple NATURAL Air Fresheners using tree extracts (Essential oils).

Essential oils when using them to produce natural air freshener, do not only bring out aromatic scent, but also help in creating good mood and also have great health benefits to an individual

Some of the essential oils and their benefits are as follows:

Lemon- Serves as an antibacterial, astrigent, and is used for skin careEucalyptus- These plants are environmental friendly used for decoration, control of erosion ,shades,wind break in some places. It also serves as antiseptic, ant-inflammatory and stimulant.It can rubbed on the chest to ease difficult breathing and congestion.Rosemary- Helps to improve memory, stimulates mine and hair growth and helps in respiratory problems, it also acts as anti-carcinogen(Anti-cancer)Tea tree- Can be use for healing of wounds,massaging of scalps,and to stimulate hair growth. It also serves as an anti-bacterial/-viral/-microbial.Lavender- Serves as anti-inflammatory,antiseptic;it helps in healing headache,aids sleep(insomnia) and relaxation of nervous systemSweet orange- Refreshes and relaxes the mine, boost immunity ,it serves also as an anti-inflammatory, and anti bacterial.

How to use  Essential oils

Get a clean spray bottle(glass) with a small opening to avoid evaporationFill the bottle with 1/2 cup of water.Squeeze 1 spoonful of lemon into the jar.Add 10 drops of either Eucalyptus, rosemary or lavender oil into the glass spray bottle.Close the lid of the glass bottle and shake it very well to enable the mixture to blend together.Spray it on any area of the room,you will discover the natural scent it sends across your room.

Note:  You can as well create your own blends of air freshener by using any of the essential oils or plant extract that you love most.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Sunday 19 November 2017

Turn your ideas into reality following our guides.

Often times, IDENTITY is a major challenge, why people remain stagnant. Not being aware of their abilities,  strength, values , interest , more so, not paying attention to weaknesses and avoid building skills with which we have been endowed.
Gone are those days where we live on a specific pattern of life over and over without having anything to show for it. It is time for each and everyone to start focus on skills that will consciously cause us to advance in life , that we may be a blessing to one another. That brings us to the question:                                                                          

                                                  WHO ARE YOU?

You are what you think, What you can do that people around you know you for, You are your interest, You are the value placed on you. If no one can describe you positively in relation to the solutions you can provide, then permit me to say your are no body yet. But you can actually build your identity today.
No Nation can  provide help for every citizen but you can actually help yourself , your generation and people around you, just by identifying your Personality, Skills, Value, Interest and paying attention to your weaknesses so as to manage it.

                                           WHAT CAN YOU DO?

You will agree with me that skillful people are been sort after, they are always preferred , always at an advantage simply because they solve one problem or the other. Remember! If you not not solving problem today does not mean you can solve one tomorrow. Just discover your area of interest, make a decision to advance today and stop waiting for your government or someone to provide everything freely for you.

     NOTE: Free things don't actually last and that is why you request more and they get bored about you.

Therefore, Identify what you can do today and Our platform will support you through it.

                                      WHERE DO I WANT TO GO
Very important !
         Decide if you want to be an Employee or an Employer (Entrepreneur )

What do I need that I don't have to get where I want go?, What skills do I have and which one do I need to learn to get there?
                  Diligence and
     All you need to make your dream of advancement  come into reality.

There is a platform  that is determined  to ensure all the requirements are displayed step by step for your advancement.  FREE OF CHARGE.

Click Site links, subscribe,  and get updated with your area of interest.


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Saturday 18 November 2017

Broley Empowered

                                       Learning is free here!
This is a platform that can help you acquire knowledge on how to do, name it! We are  here for you. Some of the products we have to offer among many others are:

     # Sewing made easy/Sew for fun#
     # Hair braiding#
     # Meal preparation#
     # Soap, Izal, Hair freshner , Cream,Perfume etc making#
     #Baking and icing#
     #Career Building #
     # CV Writing #
     # Building App from Android without Coding#
     # Creating blogs and Earn#
     # Project Management #
       # Entrepreneurship: how to bring your ideas into reality#
       # etc#         
                          Empower yourself for free .

Don't burn your data catching fun, learn and build a future for yourself that will stand the taste of time. Contact us on

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